
History of Elections

The scheme of elections in Portuguese Goa was familiarized in the year 1821 and sustained until 1961, the year which witnessed Goa’s incorporation into the Indian Union. The colonial history of Portuguese Goa from 1821 to 1961 shows that elections to the Parliament of Portugal were conducted in Goa for a major part of this period, except for two short pauses, from 1895 to 1900 and from 1926 to 1945. A section of Goans were permitted to share political space in spheres of public administration; municipal, parochial, legislative or the government councils, the colonial council and the presidential elections of Portuguese dominion during the republican period. Though the Portuguese policy was largely colonial and exclusive, the system of election and representative institutions marked a change in politics and public administration. Read More...

Shri. Ramesh Verma IAS

Shri. Ramesh Verma, IAS

Chief Electoral Officer

Shri. Sunil P Masurkar IAS

Shri. Sunil P Masurkar IAS

Additional Chief Electoral Officer

Triveni Velip

Ms. Triveni Velip

Joint Chief Electoral Officer

Ms. Prajakta Goltekar

Ms. Prajakta Goltekar

Deputy Chief Electoral Officer

Ms. Sapna S. Naik Bandodkar

Ms. Sapna S. Naik Bandodkar

Assistant Chief Electoral Officer